Call Us (828) 484-4807 Toll Free: (888) 366-4822

New Move In:

Once a Lease has been confirmed: Please follow the New Move In process laid out below.

30 Seconds is All It takes. Service Hubb has spent thousands of dollars to make the life of a site Manager and the Resident “Easy”. We know that the typical site manager is overworked and stressed by the demands of The Resident. That’s why Service Hubb created a process for your new move ins and current residents that is seamless. Once a resident is approved at your site for a lease, immediately send their info through this link: This will take you less than  30 seconds. The Resident will then be called and presented with multiple services in which to choose from. Handing out a brochure, our number, or even telling to call us is just not effective. This results in Satellite dishes being added to the property, holes being drilled, or other residents getting disconnected. Not submitting residents correctly creates hours and sometimes days worth of problems. We all know residents don’t always follow the process, so that is Why we must work together. 30 seconds! Can you give us Just  30 Seconds?

Existing Residents:

Let current residents know that we can now handle their problems or concerns no matter which provider they currently have. We try to help all residents resolve the issues they may encounter. If we can’t help we can at least advise the on where and how to get their concerns addresses. If a resident has an issue submit all these through the PPM portal just as you would a new move in. Just include in notes section what may be the issue and we will call the resident. Remember we can’t help is we Don’t Know.


We have enclosed a flyer that can be copied and distributed to your residents. We need to make sure that there are no satellite dishes added to your property going forward unless they are installed by Service Hubb under the PPM agreement. Any dishes added will be removed at a cost to the resident. Service Hubb has been trying to cleanup all properties. This comes at a large cost to us both financially as well as our time.  We need your help in making sure all of your new and existing residents know this policy. Offering multiple services is a benefit of being a PPM property. This allows residents to not be under a telecommunication monopoly as many other properties are. Service Hubb has been very understanding over the last year as this has been something new for everyone, but going forward this policy will be strictly enforced.

Site Concerns:

As the site manager and maintenance managers, we depend on you to be our eyes and ears on your site.. With over 350 plus sites to look over, it is impossible for us to know everything or catch every issue. If you have something on your site that you feel needs to be corrected, please send us an email with pictures or submit through the portal. Once we know about it, then we can put it our schedule to correct.

Things that should be corrected:

  • Cable boxes hanging from walls
  • Unburied Lines
  • Dishes that are not registered with a number on back starting with SH (for example Sh789)
  • Wires running through the door
  • Poles with no dishes

Things to Know:

  • We do not collect bills or money from residents.
  • TV and internet providers may require a fee or deposits based on credit history. We have no control over this.
  • Rates are no lower or higher by using Service Hubb. We provide all services at no cost and free phone consultation.
  • Service Hubb does not get paid from PPM. We are a partner and some issues may not be able to be corrected in our normal business scope.

Service Hubb will treat all residents, site managers, and maintenance staff with respect. We also expect PPM employees and residents to treat us with the same respect. We have the right to refuse service to any resident or site that does not adhere to all policies and agreements currently in place.

Service Calls are typically done within 24 hours to 36 hours of notification.  The Industry Standard is 48 to 72 hours. We do our best to keep residents’ service on.

We represent all Major Providers: AT&T, Century Link, DIRECTV, Dish Network, Viasat Internet, Frontier, Quest, Comcast, Spectrum Charter, Spectrum Time Warner, Cox Cable, and others. In some areas, small cable companies exist that we do not have agreements with. In these cases, we will still give the resident the rates and then refer them to these companies.

We love what we do and enjoy working with all PPM sites. We look forward to working with each one of our sites and having a great relationship for years to come.